Fact Or Fiction?

Time TravelAs is usually the case, truth seems to be stranger than fiction. Scientists have found that point journey is certainly potential. Furthermore, time journey has even been documented. But lest anybody have fanciful hopes of traveling by time in a flying DeLorean, we should understand that actual time travel is far more restricted than the unrestrained freedom enjoyed by characters of science fiction.

Did you learn this from ‘Dr. Quantum’? I’m sorry to inform you that it’s full garbage. The double slit experiment does not at all assist the idea of consciousness effecting matter. What it signifies is that the mechanism which causes light (and ‘electrons’) are caused by the wave-motion of smaller sub-atomic ‘aether’ particles. To many locations I wish to go back in time too. Two of them are: to see how the Maya collapsed and to see how earth was created. Time is unfortunately irreversible-that even the …

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